Free: And The Forecast Called For Rain

And The Forecast Called For Rain
A 5-Star Reader’s Favorite and Finalist in Book Excellence Awards…

Detective Jose Ramirez and the Sierra Hills Police Department are scrambling for leads on a killer who has already struck five times, each time leaving his signature trademark: large butcher knives piercing the abdomens of his young female victims.
Profiling the killer is proving to be difficult, and Detective Ramirez knows that it’s only a matter of time before their perpetrator strikes again.

As if Ramirez isn’t frustrated enough, to his dismay, he is assigned a partner. Officer Daniel Chatham, a handsome, young man, fresh out of grad school, has pulled some strings to join the division and becomes Ramirez’s, right-hand man. The lead detective’s anger slowly dissipates as he discovers the book-smart kid can be quite the asset.

With Ramirez’s experience, Chatham’s sharp mind and quick thinking, and the insight of Erin Sommers, a beautiful, young journalist, the three make a powerful team gaining on their criminal.

It’s raining… it’s pouring, and a killer is on the loose in the rainy Sierra Hills of Washington State. No one is who they seem; the plot thickens with every turn. You’ll never guess the ending of this enigmatic tale.
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