Midnight: Tales of a Blackened Soul

Midnight: Tales of a Blackened Soul

London was on the hunt. Her intention was to kill.

London De La Motte is not a believer in religion or religiosity. She never found a use for it, considering her troubled past and no place for it in her life as a private investigator. An encounter with a statue in a historic Catholic Church sets London on a path of psychic vision and vigilante justice; righting injustices from the past and present. What she didn’t know is that her brush with Saint Cecilia’s graven image was far from accidental. It was destiny; conjured by Mama Bah, a voodoo high priestess some twenty-five years before. London’s world is rocked by this newfound giftedness. The question is, what will she do when the past and present come crashing down around her. $0.99 on Kindle.

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