His Betrayals

His Betrayals

Like the hills of San Francisco, where he made his name, businessman Kyle Stone will not be denied his destiny.

Orphaned at 13, war at 18, married at 20, he survives the perils of Vietnam, and now faces the dishonesty of the boardroom.

Follow Kyle through a series of obstacles laced with corporate intrigue and three betrayals that will change the dynamics of his existence. Will his family and friends be caught up in this web of destruction?

Loaded with the truth and courage and despite his best efforts, Kyle is immersed in a world driven by lies, greed and ruthlessness in this enthralling story of self-preservation among corruption and the mystery of dangerous love.

It is with the promise of endless dreams of success and his distinctive breed and spirit, that helped him raise an empire. Will the innocent be set free and the guilty be punished, and will redemption be in his future? $8.99 on Kindle.

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