Free: Dive in Deep

Tall, dark, and gorgeous with cobalt-blue eyes. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the billionaire owner of the resort were staying at. And all of it is just what I needed for my celebration weekend after graduating with my masters. It’s our last girls weekend before my friends and I go our separate ways, and its going to happen with a bang. Literally. Hopefully. It would be a first. The desire was to keep things casual, but our connection is far too deep for that. Him being ex-militar... [Read More...]

10 Must-Read Cozy Mystery Authors

Have you been searching for a feel-good novel to cozy up with? A cozy mystery—typically full of lovable characters, fascinating crimes, and happy endings—is always a great option for anyone who needs a literary pick-me-up. If you need a few suggestions, check out the best selling mysteries by these much-loved writers: Cynthia Ellison Author Cynthia Ellingsen is the creator of the beloved, best selling Starlight Cove series, as well as numerous contemporary novels. Her books have been transl... [Read More...]

Top 10 Crime Fiction Authors

When you’re in the mood for a thrilling crime novel, any basic story about a jaded cop or a self-righteous vigilante type simply won’t do. If you need a book that’s sure to shock you and keep you entertained with endless twists and turns, clear a space on your bookshelf for these one-of-a-kind storytellers. 10. Jim Thompson Author Jim Thompson has shown a keen interest and talent in writing since he was a young boy, selling his very first story to True Detective when he was just 14 years ... [Read More...]

American Conspiracies And Cover-ups

“American Conspiracies And Cover-ups” is a book of 12 interviews with the most famous conspiracy theory authors in the world—Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Noam Chomsky, and 9 more. The topics talked about in “American Conspiracies And Cover-ups”— the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations; suppressed cancer cures; stolen elections; the New World Order; the Fake News Media; the Federal Reserve scam; Pearl Harbor; 9/11, and much more. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Accidentally All of Me

I’m raising someone else’s kid. My sisters daughter, and where I thought Id never make it as a single father bachelor, I was wrong. This little girl has my heart. And only her. Until a stray dog happens upon my place and were forced to call a vet. And a beautiful woman showed up. I didnt believe in fate. But it seems to believe in me. The beautiful woman who helped us out with the dog shows up again later on a blind date across the table from me. And Im sold out for her before I rea... [Read More...]

In His Keeping: Taken

Sylvie Jenkins has fallen on hard times. She’s lost her job, her apartment, and is down to her last can of peas! Desperate, she agrees to take a job with reclusive writer Connor Hudson at his isolated mountain retreat in upstate New York. Sylvie assumes he’s a poser, a writer wannabe. She has no idea he’s actually a bestselling author and billionaire entrepreneur. Their first encounter proves disastrous. He greets her in all his naked glory; and shocked, she faints dead away. ... [Read More...]

Christmas with an Alaskan Man

She is the woman of his dreams, but she has a secret that could tear them apart. Jazmine Campbell is a therapist, but that doesnt mean she never struggles with sharing her feelings. In fact, theres one thing she never told anyone since admitting it out loud is too painful. Years ago, her doctor told her she cant have children, and although it rips her up inside, she lets everyone think she doesnt have a husband and children because shes too focused on her career. Clay Drover may look like a mou... [Read More...]