Free: Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part

Megan thinks that she has the perfect husband and the perfect life. Craig works so that she doesn’t have to, leaving her free to relax all day in their beautiful and secluded country home. But when she starts to long for friends and purpose again, Megan applies for a job in London, much to her husband’s disappointment. She thinks that he is upset because she is unhappy. But she has no idea.

After Megan goes against his wishes and attends the interview, Craig decides that it is time to act. Locking her away in their home, Megan realizes that her husband never had her best interests at heart, nor did they meet by accident.

Craig has been planning this from the start.

As Megan is kept shut away from the world with only somebody else’s diary for company, she starts to uncover the lies, the secrets and the fact that she isn’t actually Craig’s first wife after all…Free on Kindle.

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