Free: The Adelaide Henson Mystery Series

The Adelaide Henson Mystery Series

This series starts with Book One, leading into Book Two, and features a female protagonist as a detective assigned to a case of a murdered woman. The investigation leads the detective to Miami and Chicago to interview leads involving criminals and contract killers. The identity of the killer is quite a surprise, but the story is peppered with clues, so there’s no ‘that’s a dumb ending’ and the feeling that you’ve just read a baseless novel.

As the series progresses into the later books, Detective Adelaide Henson is tested, but determined, and solves case after case. Each new book presents a mystery that is harder to solve than the last, leading the reader to challenging and puzzling cases. And, with each new book Henson’s character becomes more real as she grows into the strong woman she is.

Henson’s as smart and tough as she is loving and sensual. The characters you’ll see in these novels, you will also find in later books. You’ll fall in love with Helen, the thin, pencil-faced contract killer. Daphne, too. And let’s not forget about Ulrich. He’s from Russia, and you’ll really enjoy what happens with him!

The series reads like a saga and the reader is exposed to the thoughts and feelings of Adelaide Henson. She can be bitchy and tough, smart and cunning, sad and depressed. Just like any person. The characters she interacts with in the series are richly developed and multi-faceted. They can be bad people doing good things, or good people being bad (you’ll want them to meet their fate).

The mysteries are harder to solve with each book. The first book was too easy. But you’ll have a really hard time putting a face and name on the killer in book 3, which was out May, 2020. When you find out who the killer is, you’ll want to kick yourself. It was staring you in the face the whole time.

If you like strong one of kind female characters determined to find the most heinous psychotic killers, even if it means entering into the dark world of hitmen, mobsters and outright ugly people, then follow this psychological mystery series and super cop Henson on her thrilling adventure of

Get the books for:
• The strong female protagonist inside
• Because it is a series
• The unique story line
• The one of a kind characters. Free to 2.99 on Kindle.

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