Lost at 90 MPH

Lost at 90 MPH

As summer comes to an end, 14-year-old Kat Donoghue and her family board a train home to Brooklyn. What begins as a fun trip soon turns into the most exciting moments of materialistic, celebrity-infatuated Kat’s life, but not in a good way.

A run-in with Stephen Reyes, a Hollywood IT boy, prompts her to want to hunt him down and get a picture of him to share via social media. With her younger sister Meg in tow, she chases Stephen down, not realizing that they’re not the only ones in pursuit of the handsome celebrity.

Soon, Meg vanishes. Now, it’s up to everyone on board to find her, the kidnapper and the person behind the plot.

Can she root out the perpetrators and find her sister before they depart the train? $2.99 on Kindle.

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