Free: Cupcakes and Corpses

A serial killer is terrorizing Cleveland, PI Claire’s hometown. When her beloved former babysitter is murdered, it gets personal for Claire. Pursuing the suspects through sleazy bars, churches, bingo parlors, and music studios, Claire puts herself in the killer’s sights. As the corpses pile higher than meringue on a pie, Claire is determined to hunt down the murderer before he kills again. ... [Read More...]

Blind Sight

Lucille Pfiffer sees, but not with her eyes. She lives with her beloved dog Vanilla (“Nilla” for short) in a cozy neighborhood that is quite “active” due to what occurred in the distant past. Though totally blind, she plays an integral role in helping to solve pressing and puzzling mysteries, one right after the other, which, without her, might remain unsolved. The question is: How can she do any of that with such a handicap? $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Crowlands

Sara’s on the run and has found the perfect place to hide. Finding herself the unexpected custodian of a large Victorian mansion in rural Australia, Sara can at last put her murky past behind her and concentrate on creating a new life. But the sinister Crowlands House is not all it appears to be, and as Sara begins to delve into the mysteries of the mansion, she uncovers a secret so gruesome it refuses to stay buried. The evils of the past will do anything to keep the dead silent, and Sar... [Read More...]

Choice Cut

Jerome Samuels was a famous muralist. Before he switched mediums, he was a tattoo artist—and a damn good one. His untimely death has renewed interest in old rumors and triggered a race to find his ink work. Samuels’s two shiftless sons believe his unique creations contain clues that lead to the proverbial pot of gold. They feel betrayed and would love to break the code allegedly hidden in them and stick it to the old man posthumously. Jonah Bahena, on the other hand, believes the tattoos st... [Read More...]