Cowboys and Chaos: Magical Mystery Book Club #3

Cowboys and Chaos: Magical Mystery Book Club #3
This is no ordinary book club! When the group chooses a book, they are whisked away from reality to find themselves immersed in the story. The characters, the setting, and the murder all come to life. In order to exit the book, they’ll need to solve the mystery and reach The End.

This time, the club chooses a mystery that takes place in a quaint western town in the old Wild West. That sounds like fun, until they arrive in the dusty old town in the Arizona desert, among cowboys and saloons. They discover that the outhouse isnt the worse thing about this trip.

The good news is that Paige, Glo, Zell, Frank, and the other members of the club discover plenty of surprises, and they have a great time visiting a piece of history. They’ll get to live through many exciting moments as they unravel this cozy mystery story. $1.99 on Kindle.
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