No More Secrets and Lies: A MJ Lange Mystery

No More Secrets and Lies: A MJ Lange Mystery
When psychotherapist, MJ Lange, decides to go back to work after a harrowing, near fatal death experience, she takes on a young client who brings secrets and lies along with him, making it almost impossible for her to manage his treatment properly.

Unbeknownst to her, this young man came with a dark secret he kept hidden which was only revealed after he came upon the slaughter of his two roommates one morning when he returned home from his night shift, sending him into shock and ultimately revealing a prior mass murder that took place in New Orleans 18 years before which took the life of his family.

Confused, and her own PTSD triggered, MJ battles her alcoholism as she attempts to find out the truth about these murders in order to help her client, and in the process once again inadvertently puts herself, her client, and others in imminent danger. $0.99 on Kindle.
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