Free: Conflict of Intrigues: The Marylebone Intersection

Conflict of Intrigues: The Marylebone Intersection

“The microchip is back in play.”Six words. Meaningless to anyone else. To Dr. Jon Markston, however, those words—uttered by the hushed voice on the other end of an unfamiliar number—are fraught with disturbing insinuations. For the former British Army Captain, now Royal Military Academy Sandhurst professor, hearing an unknown caller resurrect a ten-year-old operation, with a hint at a WikiLeaks-style exposure of classified intelligence that was once in his care, is thoroughly alarming. Jon walked away from the British Army Intelligence Corp… a life of secrets… for good reason. Now, the stakes may be too high not to step back in. But Jon won’t be the only one spooked by his old ghost. For Irish-born American executive Katherine McKenna, her life in the line of fire was relegated to the rearview mirror nearly a decade ago when she moved to London to take a publishing job. But when an innocuous detour upends her firmly rote agenda, it also resurrects the haunted past she believed long buried. The intersection… a London bookshop. The collision… the professor and the publisher. The impact… a sensual, psychological thriller of unconventional espionage where inexplicable attraction sparks a firestorm of conflicting interests that could ultimately burn more than just the two. Ripped from the headlines, the 36-hour dash through the Marylebone Intersection clocked in Conflict of Intrigues is a breakneck blur between real history and fictional mystery—an offbeat spy saga driven by the sharp-tongued wit and waggish dysfunction of the catalytic characters will keep readers guessing… and laughing! Free on Kindle.
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