I Am Moore

I Am Moore
The word love was unsettling for Emery; it was loaded with notions of submissiveness and sacrifice, the loss of self and being dependent on another person. Notions Emery wasn’t sure she wanted. Yet, there was someone Emery couldn’t shake her soul loose of and she tussled with her heart and the sensible tug in her mind daily. Evan Stanton Esq. had been an integral part of Emery Moore’s life for the past six months. He like she, was an attorney. During the day, the attorneys at law litigated from different sides of the aisle; fighting with everything they had for their clients. But for the past few months, business was left at the door, and the fighting ended as Evan and Emery delved into uncharted territory.

Evan loved how Emery felt in his arms. The curve of her hips, the arch in her back made it difficult to keep his hands off her. It wasn’t always like this. Emery had to be pursued, and although Evan was attracted to her unapologetic disposition in the courtroom, along with her sophisticated air, Emery was a challenge; one that Evan planned to take on full steam ahead. $0.99 on Kindle

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