Free: Love, Simplified: Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationship

Love, Simplified : Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationship
Love should have been easy enough. All humans are born with the capacity to love, and we all crave it. Yet so many fails at love. Why? Why so many unhappy marriages and divorces? More important – what should one do to beat the statistics and succeed?
This book will give you both answers. In this book, you will find a new understanding of what love really is, and a set of practical, simple steps to make love bloom in your life and your relationship, now and forever.

“People tend to think of love as an emotion, and thus not governed by logic and rational choice,” says Shmaya. “This may be true of falling in love, but mature love is more than just an emotion, and it can and should be approached with deliberate thought and purposeful intentions.” This book is all about teaching you how to do that. Free on Kindle.

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