Free: Dark Obsessions

Dark Obsessions
Till Death Do Us Part
I’m the kind of guy that takes without asking.
Cause life hasn’t really done well serving my desires, but that’s about to change.
I’m knee-deep in working a black widow scandal with my childhood bestie that’s paying rich-ass dividends.
Until beautiful Jenna Web shows up.
The daughter of the DA in New York. A goodie-goodie that I just can’t say no to.
But my partner in crime isn’t too thrilled with my new girl.
And my woman doesn’t know all of my secrets. She’d never accept me as-is.
With one foot in the light and one in the dark, I have to decide which way to go before it’s too late.
True freedom isn’t always what it’s chalked up to be anyways.
Especially not when vows are involved…Free on Kindle.

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