The Hand of Fate

The Hand of Fate

A perfect Halloween read if you like paranormal fiction and supernatural chick lit!


She was still coming to terms with being adopted, then all of a sudden she was thrust into the limelight by a celebrity and had to deal with the resulting fallout. Determined to live her life her way, on her terms, Alexandra Gray, who hails from London, finds love across the pond and settles in San Francisco to start a new life.

After riding a roller coaster of emotions, Alex embarks on a personal journey that eventually uncovers the truth of who she is, and reveals her true path. This is a story about a woman who overcame adversity despite the odds stacked against her, a story about not giving up, no matter what life throws at you. The Hand of Fate is a reminder that although some things are fated, we ultimately have a hand in our own destiny. If you have faith and believe in the magic of the universe, anything is possible. And sometimes those who have passed before us help light the way. $0.99 on buy now

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