Pledge to the Wind, the Legend of Everett Ruess

Pledge to the Wind, the Legend of Everett Ruess

Pledge to the Wind, the Legend of Everett Ruess follows the adventures of the young vagabond from his appearance in the southwest in 1931 when he was only seventeen, until he seemingly disappeared in 1934, shortly before he turned 21. In this compelling narrative, Robert Louis DeMayo has taken journal excerpts and the letters Everett sent to family and friends, and turned them into scenes, and given us a glimpse of the young artist as he lived with Navajo and Hopi, and explored the southwest with a dog named Curly and a couple burros. Upon reading it, Brian Ruess wrote, “In this work of fiction…I saw Everett for the first time, as he might actually have been.” $0.99 on buy now

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