The Raven and the Crow: Shores of Blood

With the Gray Throne secured, brothers Kildare and Zedaine are forced to part ways.

Leading a party south, Zedaine is tasked with retrieving a powerful artifact stolen by Ebonfire, the great black dragon of the Serpent Marsh and an army of demon spawn stand in the way.

While Kildare is compelled to ally with his father, King Medyha, to travel overland to the north, a route under the control of hundreds of cutthroat mercenaries claiming to be priests of the Duorn, the All-Father. Along the way, Kildare discovers many of the nobles in Shaara have placed a hefty price on his head.

In a sweeping tale of adventure, the brothers must confront their pasts and fight to save a world they have been cast out of.

Will they reclaim their honor or be consumed by the Dark Storm Rising?

Witness the clash of destiny in The Raven and the Crow: Shores of Blood. $5.99 on Kindle.
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