Jefferson’s Ashes

Jefferson's Ashes
150 years ago, in the unreconstructed South, a group of powerful families forms an organization for the protection of the old plantation way of life. In a climactic moment of terror, they murder a man who shouldn’t exist, a man whose very life could change history. Then the group disappears into history.

150 years later, young idealist Will Benning discovers this group and his own family’s involvement. Frightened by his discoveries, Benning flees his Southern home and family and heads for an old friend in Boston. Hounded and desperate, when he arrives he sells a box of apparently unrelated items, including two valuable Jefferson Bibles and a glass bottle filled with strange dirt to book dealer, an ex-con, Quincy Adams Caine. That night, Benning is murdered, and Caine’s shop is burglarized. The bottle vanishes.

Left with too many clues, Caine discovers that the only way to keep himself off the suspect list is to solve the crimes. Working parallel to Boston Police Captain Jason Morgan, Caine travels to Georgia. He’s not alone his search. A shady private detective, Benning’s own family, and history itself all stand in between Caine and the mysteries of Jefferson’s Ashes. But as Captain Morgan himself knows quite well, only a fool underestimates Q.A. Caine. $0.99 on Kindle.
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