Free: City of Sin

City of Sin
Bee – When I came to New York City I was engaged to the man of my dreams and I was ready to take the marketing industry by storm. But now? I’m single and working at a dead-end job with a pervy boss. It’s official – this city kicked my a**. It’s time to pack my bags. A blind date that my friend set up to convince me to stay is most definitely not going to change my mind. Zero chance. Goodbye NYC.

Mason – I know I have a reputation as a playboy. And I like my reputation. Relationships are for schmucks. The only reason I agreed to the blind date was that I was promised two Knicks tickets for my time. But I never expected for her to pass on me. Me? Are you kidding? I’m going to prove to her that she made a mistake. I give it a week until she begs me to make good on my promises. Then I’ll say goodbye to her long legs and sassy tongue and perfect…What the hell? Why don’t I want to say goodbye? Free on Kindle.

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