Accidental Love

Accidental Love
I never expected to see Wyatt back in town again.
Never… ever.
I also never expected to end up being married to him.

To clarify, our marriage is as fake as plastic.
He was my brother’s best friend.
And he didn’t hesitate to break my heart ten years ago.
Disappeared into thin air and joined the military.
I couldn’t even call him to say that I was pregnant.
I’d been quietly living my live with my daughter before he showed up.
Looking more handsome than ever before.
With more scars than I can count.
He’s all fired up to save our town, Salvation.
I have the same mission as him.
And it only made sense to do whatever it takes.
Turns out, a fake marriage would fix things.
But if things go south…
If he finds out the truth about our daughter…
Then trying to fix everything else may eventually break me.
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